Nuclear power plants in Serbia – status of the legal framework

Recently, the issue of using nuclear energy in the Republic of Serbia has often been discussed publicly. Below is a brief overview of the current framework by which this matter is regulated and considered.

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DEFINITIVE 6-STEP GUIDE FOR FOREIGNERS BUYING REAL ESTATE IN SERBIA STEP 1: ELIGIBILITY & RECIPROCITY If you are a foreigner (a natural person having only foreign citizenship), you have several scenarios when buying real estate in Serbia: –        Directly buying agricultural land –        Buying apartments and buildings for non-commercial purposes –        Buying real estate for […]

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Leased rooftops – a space for the construction of solar power plants by power producers?

Excluding prosumers, in practice, we have not encountered significant projects developed by power producers for the construction of solar power plants on the free space of rooftops of buildings, industrial plants, warehouses, shopping centers, and other facilities.

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You are considering opening up a company in Serbia? Serbia is open for all commerce, and constantly strives to improve its business climate. Here are a few points to have in mind.

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Factoring as the oldest financial service and a means of securing necessary funds for unhindered further business operations and timely settlement of obligations

Factoring is undoubtedly the oldest financial service, more closely regulated by the Law on Factoring (“Official Gazette of the RS” No. 62/2013 and 30/2018) (“the Law”), which means the purchase and sale of an existing non-due or future short-term monetary claim, one that is due for collection in within one year from the date of sale of goods or provision of services in the country or abroad. Factoring can be performed exclusively on the basis of a contract concluded in written or electronic form, which is prescribed by the Law.

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Some novelties enacted by the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources

Two years after the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources entered into force, on April 28, 2023, the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources, which entered into force on May 7, 2023.

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Prosumer – a significant novelty in the field of energy

In 2021 legal framework that regulates the status of the prosumer was adopted and such framework includes the Law on Energy, the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources, the Decree on Criteria, Conditions, and Manner of Calculating Claims and Obligations between Prosumers and Suppliers and several rulebooks. Prosumer as a term has become familiar in practice and comes from the combined words of the English language “producer” and “consumer”.

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Outline of Merger Filing in Serbia

Who is the merger authority? The relevant authority for merger control assessment in Serbia is the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia. The website of the Commission is accessible at All merger filing decisions are published on the mentioned website. What are the merger filing thresholds? the aggregate worldwide turnover […]

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Archiving pursuant to the new law

In 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Archive Material and Archive Activities (the “Law”), which application began on 2 February 2021.

This Law introduces in a new way the obligations for entities that create archive material and documentary material, meaning that a distinction between archive material and documentary material is made. Documentation that is permanently kept, which is significant for culture, art, science, education, and other social areas and which is defined as such in the list of categories of archive material and documentary material with retention periods is called archive material. Documentation that does not have to be kept permanently and that can be destroyed, after the expiration of the validity period provided for in the list of categories, is called documentary material. Also, the term archival book is regulated, which represents the basic records on the entire archive material and documentary material created in the work process of the company.

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